sábado, 7 de mayo de 2016

Ana & Teenage Anorexia - TVC

Ana & Teenage Anorexia - TVC from Lamis Abdayem on Vimeo.
- The TVC depicts a short story of an anorexic girl. Opening, the camera rolls over her office table where her stuff are still there, then at last we see the girl's photo hanged beside them. Ending with a sentence telling that she died due to teenage anorexia.
-This TVC is a 100% Graduate Project. It was a part of my Master's Degree Graduation Project (Mind over Matter). Please note that the images and names used don't depict the true story of the ad. However this ad was based true statistics and accurate research. Circled Minds (Organization Against Eating Disorders) is an ima.ginary organization. 

Title of the project : Awareness Campaign Against Childhood Obesity & Teenage Anorexia.
- Music: John Stockton Slow Drag by Chris Zabriskie (http://chriszabriskie.com)
- It is a personal work for nonprofit scholarly purposes ONLY

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